Wildernest | Builders, homesteaders, lovers of the wilderness, & adventurers.

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Today, we found magic

With good reason, my social media has been filled with anxiety, stress, and what sometimes feels like hopelessness during a time so unprecedented it almost doesn’t feel real.

Many are losing their jobs with no certainty of return, while those still working have added teacher and/or daycare provider to their titles, yet still expected to meet their deadlines.⁣

It’s easy to feel like a bystander, on this planet we call home, when you have no control and little impact on all of this. For the second time in my life, I’m being forced to cope and adapt to something that happens once in a lifetime, and have no control on my foreseeable future. And this? This is what scares me the most. ⁣
⁣But I will adapt. We will adapt. In a time of isolation, we will feel more connected than ever knowing everyone is in this, and not just the unlucky few. ⁣

We will find our new normal and maybe take less things for granted. Maybe we will find the time to read that one extra story at bedtime tonight, knowing we have no obligations for tomorrow. Maybe we branch out and try things we never had the time to try before, because now we have all the time in the world. Maybe we will plant gardens and discover stories in the sticks and rocks outside, since the tablets and toys we’ve been using have become too familiar.⁣

Maybe we will learn to let go of things like messy faces and sock confetti. Like watching the clock. Like calendars. ⁣

And maybe, just maybe we will start finding magic in the little blips of life, blips of progress, that normally go unnoticed. ⁣

Today at dinner, I ignored the clock and pulled out my camera. I stopped cleaning food off the floor and stopped calculating the time between bedtime and the tasks that still remained. Instead, I saw three sets of feet kicking away in their highchairs and one baby who’s entire world was standing in front of him, feeding him food he couldn’t care less about because Dad was home. ⁣

Today, we got to see a precious, fleeting blip. We mourned the ones we must have missed, but vowed to find more tomorrow. ⁣

Today, we found magic.⁣