Coming to terms with an unpredictable day

The triplets entered “Leap 4” on Saturday, which is a period in their development where they are most likely to be fussy due to changes in their brains.

After establishing a bedtime routine that has worked flawlessly, we decided to start doing the same for their naps, as they stopped taking as many during the day even though they should take 4-5 according to their age. More sleep during the day means more sleep at night, and a good schedule would help them prepare for mild sleep training once they hit the AAP recommendation of 4 months. The end goal is getting them to sleep 10/11 hours through the night so my husband and I can finally do the same. ⁣


Unfortunately for us, Leap 4 is the longest (31 days left) and came at the worst time with daylight savings and trying adjust to this new nap schedule. Thanks to our new bed time routine, they dropped their 10PM feed as of two weeks ago and had been sleeping 7-8 hour stretches at night, but regressed last night, waking up multiple times for food and general fussiness. ⁣

For the first time since they’ve been home, I truly felt angry. Why isn’t my schedule going according to plan? They were now back to taking the proper amount of naps for their age, so shouldn’t they be sleeping more and not less? Why me, honestly?⁣

For someone who is so Type A and has had almost everything go according to plan my entire life, having triplets is still sometimes unfathomable to me. It was not my plan, and I can’t explain the importance of schedules to 3 infants who are still discovering their own hands. ⁣

But if there’s anything they’ve taught me in their 3 short months here on Earth, it’s persistence. Sometimes I have to forget the plan and remind myself it could always be worse. I’m allowed to be angry, allowed to be sad, and allowed the mourn the life I had initially planned. ⁣

But nevertheless, I’ll always persist.

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.