The many faces of - three months

The many faces of Forrest, Marin, & Wilder at three months old.


Forrest 🌲

Since his NICU days, the nurses called him a nosey baby because he was perfectly content laying there awake and watching everyone. He has some serious FOMO and just wants to be in the know, making him an early riser and harder to get to nap. ⁣

Maybe this has something to do with being the “big brother” as baby A, even though he was the smallest of the 3 at birth. Forrest is an absolute sweetheart, and such a happy baby. ⁣⁣When he smiles, he opens his mouth as wide as possible, taking up his entire face! 


Marin June 🌻

She continues to be the easiest baby in existence. My husband and I joke that it feels like we have twins a lot of the time because she’s an angel baby. Marin loves sleeping, babbling, and smiling with her tongue sticking out. ⁣

Marin was baby C in my belly, but switched with her brother, Wilder, towards the end and came out as the middle child. She’s starting to find her voice and at times, the redhead attitude comes out and she can be a bit demanding! ⁣⁣


Wilder 🍂

He was the first to laugh and continues to make us laugh every day. He loves his hands, playing with his wooden gym, and is the only one out of the three still being fed at night because god forbid he go without food that long.

Wilder was our baby B (though last minute swapped places with his sister and became baby C), and moved SO MUCH during my pregnancy that I just knew this name would suit him well. Since day one he has proven me right with his crazy, needy little self and continues to think the world revolves around him despite being a triplet.

Considering today is their 4 month birthday, I’m sharing their 3 month “many faces” GIFs a little late, but better late than never right?⁣

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.