
And just like that, we're finally home

With the help from our amazing family and friends, we were able to celebrate the first day of our life this weekend. The past six and a half years were just temporary as we spent them saving, planning, and dreaming for what we are now living.

And just like that, we're finally home

Giving back with #WildernestLibrary during the holidays

Tis the season for every mom group to be flooded with the “how much do you spend on each child” or “let’s see under your tree” posts. While they’re meant to be lighthearted, someone always ends up feeling inadequate or as if they aren’t enough. ⁣

Giving back with #WildernestLibrary during the holidays

Pole problems, what else is new?

It’s been almost 3 weeks since the triplets, Jay, and I all caught terrible colds, but we’re finally on the mend! I’ve spent a lot of my couch time picking out the fun stuff for #WildernestBuild such as light fixtures, faucets, and vanities for the bathrooms. Our excavator has been working on our septic, retaining walls, and now our driveway area, and our kitchen cabinets were scheduled to be delivered today!⁣⁣

Pole problems, what else is new?

Septic System Saga

I found the excavator parked in our backyard of the new house yesterday, in preparation for the septic system to go in. Seeing this final, major piece to a functioning house all cleared and staked out according to plan reminded me of the very first time we knew ours was changed forever.⁣

Septic System Saga

The first project that didn't take 84 years - excavation!

Despite the confusion from the Board of Health as to why they were looking at our septic plan a THIRD time within the last couple of years, NewNewNewSepticPlan.PDF was officially approved by them at the end of February. 

The first project that didn't take 84 years - excavation!