We survived half a year of triplets!

These little nuggets are 6 whole months today! ⁣It’s cool they are half a year old and all, but the real celebration here is that my husband and I survived half a year of raising triplets on our first go at parenthood. Go us! 🎉😂 ⁣


Maybe I just have good babies, but these past 6 months haven’t been as dreadful as I assumed they would be. I spent my entire pregnancy reading about how hard having triplet babies was - pair that with my dreams of wanting an only child because of emotional, physical, and financial management and you can imagine the sheer doom I felt. I think it was these stressful expectations - my crazy need to plan for the future and the unknown - that made this life with triplets seem not so bad once it was actually here. ⁣

Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments. I remember yelling out about how I never asked for triplets one napless day as they fought sleep for those 3 hours I get to clean my house and have time to myself. But once we found a routine and schedule that worked, life with them was mostly another “check” on my list I took joy in completing day by day. The good times far outweighed the bad, and things got a little less terrifying. ⁣

So here’s to the first six months of survival 🍻 Check on us in another six or so months when they’re walking and the story might be different 😉⁣

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.